Congress Representative
Michelle Bachmann
(R-MN) sez:

Carbon Dioxide is Good for You

(She seems to be confusing
humans with plants.)

(2009 July blog post)

! Note !
More dirty laundry may be added to this page
--- if/when I re-visit this page.

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This page on Michelle Bachmann
who tells us CO2 is good for us


On Friday, April 24, 2009, Representative Michelle Bachmann (Republican-Minnesota) had the following to say on the House floor :

    "Carbon dioxide, Mister Speaker, is a natural byproduct of nature. Carbon dioxide is natural. It occurs in Earth. It is a part of the regular lifecycle of Earth. In fact, life on planet Earth can't even exist without carbon dioxide.

    So necessary is it to human life, to animal life, to plant life, to the oceans, to the vegetation that's on the Earth, to the, to the fowl that -- that flies in the air, we need to have carbon dioxide as part of the fundamental lifecycle of Earth."

And she went on and on.

I lived for many years in Iowa and grew to respect the intelligence of many mid-westerners, including those from Minnesota.

However, now I have to wonder about Minnesota. How could they elect someone like this to represent them in Congress?

Although it is true that plant life (vegetation) takes in carbon dioxide (CO2) as a 'food', I find it shocking that she apparently believes that humans, animals, and fowl need carbon dioxide as an essential element. She talks about it as if it were oxygen.

A simple plastic-bag test
(for this anti-science non-scientist)

I saw part of that speech on TV. I saw Senator Bachmann on CSPAN saying that CO2 is a natural substance and hence harmless. She said there is no scientific evidence that CO2 is harmful.

Well, I have a suggestion. She can quickly test whether CO2 is harmless by sealing a plastic bag over her head and breathing into in for about 5 minutes, more or less.

Apparently, she has never heard of warnings on plastic bags --- warning to not put the bag over your head and warning to not let children play with them.

The plastic bag manufacturers should be pleased. Now they don't have to spend money putting those warnings on the bags any more.

If she has heard of those warnings, she apparently does not understand that the reason for those warnings is that humans exhale CO2 as a waste product --- and THAT waste product kills --- by suffocation.

How do people that dumb get elected to Congress? Minnesota, one of your villages is missing its idiot.

Or is it more a question of greed? Is she saying these things because of the money she gets from the coal industry and other allied interests?

Either way, she is another blight on Congress --- one that stands out among the other blights --- and that is saying something, considering the magnitude of blighting going on in those halls nowadays.

Please note that this is not a matter of taking her statements out of context. See the full text of her speech --- or, better yet, see a video of her speech before the House.

You will see that she is simply batsh*t crazy --- or willing to say anything for the sake of pleasing the fossil fuels companies, so that they continue to contribute to her re-election.

She must rank 10-out-of-10 on their 'friends-of-fossil-fuels' scale.

It's really about the temperature

She doesn't seem to understand that the issue is not so much that there is a rising proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere, but that the CO2 increase is an indication of the huge amount of HEAT that is being put into the atmosphere (and water bodies) due to the burning of fossil fuels (and use of nuclear fuel) in the space of about 200 years --- fossil fuels that took millions of years to be compressed and chemically altered --- and thus created.

In other words, hundreds of thousands of years of solar energy --- trapped in organic material that is now fossil fuel --- is being burned up in about 200 years.

The rate of increase of CO2 has accelerated in the past 50 years or so --- and, correspondingly, the amount of HEAT being generated by increasing the velocity of the nitrogen and oxygen molecules (O2 and N2) --- which comprise 99 percent of the Earth's atmosphere --- is also accelerating.

    AND the velocity of water molecules (H2O) is also increasing --- as water is heated in nuclear and fossil fuel electricity-generating facilities to drive turbine-blades with steam.

See CO2 graphs below.
(Atmospheric and oceanic temperature graphs look similar --- definitely rising since about 1970 onward.)

Bachmann logic

One human waste product (CO2) down. Two more to go.

What's she going to say next?

  • Urine is good for you.

  • Feces are good for you.

That sure would save a lot of money being spent on sewage treatment plants, if the taxpayers could be convinced of that.

To follow her logic further :

  • Smoke is natural, so it is good for you.

  • Tars and nicotine are natural, so they are good for you.

    (Cha-ching. The tobacco industry would love those statements and will probably pay you handsomely for saying so on the House floor and in public interviews, Michelle.)

  • Nuclear radiation is natural, so it is good for you.

    (There's another check from the energy industry for you, Michelle.)

Oh, what the heck. Let's not hold back. Let's take her logic to further logical conclusions :

  • Swine flu is natural, so it is good for you.

  • The black plague is natural, so it is good for you.

  • Ebola is natural, so it is good for you.

Let's go astronomical :

  • Solar flares are natural, so they are good for you.

  • Meteors are natural, so a meteor collision would be good for you.

  • Galaxy collisions are natural, so a galaxy colliding with our Milky Way galaxy would be good for you.

  • Gamma ray bursts from quasars, pulsars, or the like are natural and so are good for you and mother Earth.

  • Black holes are natural, so to be sucked into one would be good for you.

Since her logic is so similar to theirs, there is no doubt that IF she had run her speech by Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Rupert Murdoch, and Rush Limbaugh, they would have all told her to "go for it".

I expect to see "Carbon dioxide is good for you" added to the Republican platform at its next national convention, along with

  • "level the mountain tops"

  • "who needs polar bears"

  • "more roads for clear-cutters"

  • "fraud is free enterprise too"

Right about the time of Rep. Bachmann's CO2 statement, Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania switched his affiliation from the Republican party to the Democratic party.

I figure there may be a connection. After months of outlandish statements, in public, by various 'representatives' of the Republican party, this statement by Michelle Bachmann may have been the straw that broke the Senator's back.

Palin-Bachmann in 2012!! (joke)

These two graphs (above and below) indicate that CO2 in the atmosphere is definitely increasing in the past hundred years. AND ... the rate of growth in concentration seems to be accelerating ... along with human population growth.

Since the main relatively new 'adders' of CO2 on earth are man's burning of wood and fossil fuels --- and a main 'subtracter' of CO2 is incorporation by plants, it appears that the main causes of the continuing increase of CO2 are due to man --- through

  • addition of CO2 - from carbon-burning by humans (and, to a lesser extent, from breathing --- because of a net increase in animals, including humans and domesticated food animals)

  • subtraction of CO2-consumers - by cutting down plants (forest clear-cutting, plowing up prairies, replacing farmland and forests with buildings and roads and parking lots, etc.)

The exploding world population has led to a significant increase in these actions. This does not bode well for the future --- unless we can develop gills that utilize CO2 (instead of O2), like the ones that Ms. Bachmann seems to claim she has.

This is essentially a close-up view
of the tail of the graph above.

This shows about a 3% increase every 5 years
--- on course for more than a 30% increase
in the next 50 years.

For more info:

To find more information on CO2 and the strange love-affair between Republicans and the rise of carbon dioxide (and the associated temperature increase of the Earth's atmosphere --- which is 99% nitrogen and oxygen molecules), you could try some WEB SEARCHES on keywords such as :

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Michelle Bachmann says:
Carbon Dioxide is Good for You

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Page was posted 2009 Jul 28.

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Page was changed 2019 May 28.
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I breathe in CO2,
and exhale oxygen.

Representative Bachmann and President Bush kissing
and exchanging carbon dioxide.