Web Page TITLE goes here

for Table-Of-Scrollable-Textareas page

with groups of text areas below the Table-of-contents

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(skip the Intro)


This (optional) introduction block could be used to explain the motivation for creating the table-of-contents (menu) and 'text-areas' below.

For example, the text-areas could be (food) recipes --- or examples of code for programmers (short Linux scripts, for example). We will carry on with the example of Linux scripts, below.

This page is suited to a case where

  • The 'text-areas' to be presented are not huge --- say a few lines to tens of pages --- but not hundreds of pages.

  • There are NOT a huge number of 'text-areas' to be presented --- say tens, but NOT multiple hundreds.

Since the page is mostly text, with few images, it should load quickly, even if there are about 50 to 100 'text areas' --- recipes or whatever.

These paragraphs of text could be augmented by web links, including links to Google searches, such as ...

You can do a web search on terms like 'irfanview linux replacement image processing'.

You could link to HOME PAGES, such as ... the home page of the 'Mirage' image processing program or the home page of the 'mtpaint' image processing program.

A Little Venting :

You can also add some paragraphs to 'vent' on the topic represented by these groups of text-areas.

End of vent .... for now. (More may be added later.)

Table of Contents:   (of this page)

End of Table of Contents. See the warning notes below.

How the code samples (below) are presented - and other notes :

Let us say the links below are to samples of code. Then these paragraphs could describe how the code is presented on this page, namely :

Each code 'sample' is presented via an HTML 'textarea' so that you can scroll the text, vertically or horizontally --- if the text is many-lined or wide.

You can describe how comments are indicated in the coding language --- and conventions that you may use in providing comments.

You could describe things you have done to maximize the readability of the code. Or make comments on the processing efficiency of the code 'samples'.

You may mention special variables used in the code samples, such as

where we use an HTML 'pre' section to present the code characters in a distinct 'fixed-width' font.

You can refer the reader to the bottom of this web page for more info. For example:

For easy access to other (alternative) code samples, some links to 'external' sources of Nautilus scripts are presented below these code examples.

You can describe how the textareas are ordered and how to 'browse' them. For example:

The scripts below are presented roughly in the order in which I use them:

  • renaming scripts (several)
  • [ I do the cropping and gamma-correction manually, with programs like 'mirage' or 'mtpaint' ]
  • batch down-sizing script(s), one for a given Y-size
  • batch thumbnailing script(s), one for a given Y-size

Use the table-of-contents (above) to go directly to code samples. OR simply scroll down this page to spot samples of interest.

Alternatively, use the 'Find text' option of your web browser to look for keywords on this page. For example, when looking for examples of scripts using the 'convert' or 'identify' command, use 'convert' or 'identify' --- or when looking for a script involving 'jpg' or 'png' files, use keyword 'jpg' or 'png'.

You can add technical notes. For example:

Most of these samples are intended to run with the Bourne or the Korn shells (command interpreters), as well as with the Bash command interpreter. Most of these samples employ Linux/Unix commands (and their parameters) available to all three interpreters, so the scripts will generally run in any of these three interpreters.

In fact, the Korn and Bash interpreters are offshoots of the Bourne command interpreter.

You can post warnings and disclaimers. For example:

NOTE:Although I have used these scripts, I have used them on directories of files with no spaces (blanks) in the filenames. The scripts may not be tested thoroughly enough for every application environment. Use at your own risk.

The code is presented here mostly for my own personal use --- as a reference and as a means of archival and backup. I may use portions of the scripts for working code fragments to be applied in other scripts. If others use these scripts, they should test them on test data before using in a 'serious' mode.

Script for converting a '.png' or '.gif' file to '.jpg' :

File is not shown. Technical difficulties.

Script for renaming a '.png' file to contain X-Y pixel size in name :

File is not shown. Technical difficulties.

Script for batch renaming '.JPG' files to contain date-time in the name :

File is not shown. Technical difficulties.

Script for batch renaming '.JPG' files to '.jpg' suffix :

File is not shown. Technical difficulties.

Script for batch renaming photo files to change prefix 'DSCF0' to 'D' :
(Some cameras use different prefixes, so this script will have to be changed slightly to perform the same function for other cameras.)

File is not shown. Technical difficulties.

Script for renaming '.jpg' files to contain X-Y pixel size in the filenames:

File is not shown. Technical difficulties.

Script for resizing '.jpg' files to 650 pixels high :

(Change the '-resize' parameter on the 'convert' command
if you want a different amount, or type, of resizing.)

File is not shown. Technical difficulties.

Script for RENAMING a set of '.jpg' files from an MMMxNNN type of near-suffix
to a new, accurate MMMxNNN pixel-size near-suffix :

File is not shown. Technical difficulties.

Script to make THUMBNAILS (60 pixels high) for a set of '.jpg' files, into a 'thumbs' sub-directory :

(Change the '-resize' parameter on the 'convert' command
if you want a different amount, or type, of resizing.)

File is not shown. Technical difficulties.

You can look for other Nautilus scripts via a Google search on 'nautilus scripts'. Such a search, with added keywords such as 'image processing' or 'resize', turned up the following.

This ayalasoft.com link provides script examples to handle resizing files spread across multiple directories. You would probably have to modify these scripts to get the new-filenames that you want --- and maybe to put the resized file in a different directory.

Bottom of the TITLE-for-this-Menu-of-Text-areas-webpage page.

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Page created 2011 Jul 10.