*SeaMonkey* web browser

A MENU of links to 'Notes' Pages

on Installing,
Upgrading (to new versions)
& Using SeaMonkey

by 'Blaze'

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This Seamonkey Menu-of-Notes-Links page

! Note !
More Notes-page links may be added,
(for example, for newer versions of SeaMonkey)
if/when I re-visit this page.

< Go to the Table of Contents, below. >
(Skip the Introduction)

Introduction :

This MENU page is meant as a collection place for links to Notes pages on installing, upgrading (to new versions), and using the SeaMonkey web browser (Wikipedia link).

I call these 'Notes' pages rather than 'Guide' pages.

These pages will probably never turn into 'Guides' because I will probably never collect enough notes (and links) so that they can be organized into a fairly complete reference work for SeaMonkey.

    Although the developers call the program 'SeaMonkey' (with a capital letter 'M'), I will probably simply type 'Seamonkey' or 'seamonkey' in most cases.

These Seamonkey 'Notes' pages will probably never deserve the name 'Guides' because there are many, many features in Seamonkey and because there is a new release of the Seamonkey web browser every several months (too hard to keep up with the changes and enhancements).

So on the subject of 'Usage', the pages will contain rather sparse commentary on usage of features in Seamonkey. Only a limited set of features of Seamonkey will probably be mentioned.

But on the subject of 'Installs' and 'Upgrades to new versions', these 'Notes' may include a lot of details, because these topics are crucial to getting started in using Seamonkey.

Why choose Seamonkey as a web browser :

As I mentioned in a web page on my migration from MS Windows to Linux, in an Ubuntu Installs web page, 'Seamonkey' is quite appealing to me because of its 'heavy-duty' 'Bookmarks Manager'.

I have collected thousands of bookmarks and have accumulated them in hundreds of bookmark folders in a hierarchy several levels deep.

I have tried Firefox through several releases but I find that its 'Bookmarks Manager' does not seem to be as flexible and robust as the one in Seamonkey.

For example, Firefox developers seem to like to put 'fixed' categories into the 'Bookmarks Manager' that I cannot rename, move, or delete.

    Unfortunately, Seamonkey seems to be getting to be more like Firefox than the other way around, in the 2010 to 2012 time frame, so I fear that the Seamonkey 'Bookmarks Manager' may someday be identical to the inflexible, less robust Firefox 'Bookmarks Manager'.

Furthermore, Firefox developers seem to like to hide many of the most-used options of a web browser.

    Hey, Seamonkey developers:
    Please do not hide options several menus deep using cryptic icons.

    Please keep using text like 'Back' 'Forward' 'Reload' 'Stop' 'Home' 'File' 'Edit' 'View' 'Go' 'Bookmarks' 'Tools' 'Window' and 'Help' --- instead of cryptic icons. And don't hide these major options several menu levels deep.

    In fact, please add a readily available 'Stop/Start Javascript' icon, like they have had in releases of the Pale Moon web browser (Wikipedia link) --- "a toolbar toggle button to enable or disable Javascript".

Enough of this Introduction. A MENU of links to Notes pages follows.

MENU of LINKS to Seamonkey 'Notes' pages :

  • Installing SeaMonkey versions circa 2012
    (such as 1.0.x & 2.0.x versions; 32-bit, then 64-bit)
    (on Ubuntu Linux and Linux Mint Debian Edition)

    Upgrading SeaMonkey to a newer 64-bit version
    (version 2.49.2 to
    (on Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS)

  • External links to web info on 'SeaMonkey'
    (in a section below, on this page)


EXTERNAL LINKS on 'Seamonkey' :

  • Wikipedia page on Seamonkey

  • Seamonkey project home page - at

  • forums.mozillazine.org
    Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey support forums

  • kb.mozillazine.org
    A 'Knowledge Base' for info on
    Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey

  • mozilla.org - a Firefox access page
    (and formerly a Seamonkey access page;
    replaced by seamonkey-project.org, above)

  • Seamonkey tutorial videos - a search at

    (Unfortunately, there are a lot of tutorials on using the Composer subsystem of SeaMonkey, but not much on other aspects of Seamonkey, like setting Helper Applications in the web browser --- both for 'remotely-served' web pages, as well as 'kiosk-like' operation of 'locally installed' web pages.

    The confusing, poorly-documented-and-USER-tested Helper-Applications interface makes it almost impossible for anyone to make a good video tutorial on setting up Helper Applications, with Seamonkey or Firefox.)

  • For more info on Seamonkey, you can do a WEB SEARCH on keywords such as:
    'seamonkey mozilla web browser'

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Bottom of this MENU of links to
Seamonkey web browser Install, Upgrade, & Usage NOTES pages.

To return to a previously visited web page location, click on the Back button of your web browser, a sufficient number of times.

OR, use the History-list option of your web browser.

OR ...

< Go to TOP of this page, above. >

< Go to Menu-of-Links, above. >

Page history:

Page was created 2012 Jun 15.

Page was changed 2012 Jul 16.

Page was changed 2018 Dec 19.
(Added css and javascript to try to handle text-size for smartphones, esp. in portrait orientation. Added a link.)

Page was changed 2024 Mar 20.
(Removed the circa-2012 info from this page and converted this page to a MENU-of-links-to-Notes page.
The circa-2012 info is now available via the Menu.)