Programming Guides
(esp. for languages
used on Linux)

'local' eDocuments
(such as PDF files)

and some 'external' Links

( eDocuments = electronic Documents )

Home page > RefInfo menu >

Computer Topics menu >

'Linux Guides of Others' menu page >

This Linux Programming Guides page

! Preliminary !
eDocuments and links may be added
or replaced or removed --- if/when
I re-visit this page.

< Go to the Table of Contents (TOC), below. >
(Skip the Introduction)

< Go to the Start of Guide links, below. >
(Skip the Intro and the TOC)

A page of code samples to augment these guides.


This page is intended to provide guides to various aspects of Linux Programming in areas such as

  • 2D graphics, esp. with OpenGL or for 2D image processing

  • 3D graphics, esp. with OpenGL, GLUT, GLUI, etc.

  • GUI's, via GTK , Qt, wxWidgets, Tcl-Tk with C or C++, Clutter, etc.

  • 'General' Programming info, on 'basic' LANGUAGES --- compiled languages such as C, C++, Fortran --- and scripting languages such as PERL, PHP, Python, Linux/Unix shell scripting, and Tcl-Tk

  • Games programming, esp. using libraries/game-engines such as SDL, Ogre, Irrlicht, Crystal Space, etc.

  • Java, esp. for 3D and for games

  • Javascript, for web pages and for mobile devices

  • Programming for Mobile devices, such as Android or other mobile programming environments --- including using OpenGL ES, etc. for 3D programming

and guides on various other special programming subjects such as

  • GIS = Geographic Information Systems and their API's

  • Molecular viewing apps and their API's

  • Virtual Reality (VR), esp. using special viewing & navigation devices

  • Video programming

  • Phone app programming, such as Skype API's

Most of the guides are in PDF format. Some videos may be provided in the future --- however they would take way too much disk space to cover the material in a 100-plus page PDF, for example. (Some other document formats may be considered in the future.)

A set of 'external' web links, to programming info sites, is provided at the bottom of this page. However, it is typical that many web links go dead in a few years.

Hence, the external links here are generally to sites that will probably be around, under the specified web site name, for at least 5 years from the time of placement here.

For example, the 'external' links on this page are generally ones such as '' and '' which will probably be in existence under that name for at least 5 to 10 more years.

Because even at 'stable' web sites, the sites are frequently reorganized and links to documents go dead, guides are archived here and accessible via this page, to help preserve the information.

I intend to use these documents from various computers --- at home and away from home. In other words, this collection of documents is intended for personal, non-commercial use.


There is a heavy emphasis here on collecting guides on 3D programming --- and on Game programming, which often involves programming for input device monitoring, GUIs, audio playback, even video playback --- as well as 2D and 3D graphics programming.

In Game programming (and in 3D model viewer apps), there is a need to deal with event processing loops --- loops that wait for input from mouse or keyboard or game controller --- events such as 'button presses' or 'button releases' on GUIs.

This an important aspect of 3D modelling and Game apps, so there has been a tendency to seek out documents that deal with such loops --- which may be referred to by terms such as 'handler' or 'listener'.


You can use the links in the Table of Contents, below, to go to a group of links on this page. The links provide access to 'locally stored' guides in a category --- like the categories listed above.

Instead of using the 'Table of Contents', you can simply scroll down this page to look for guides of interest, according to their filename.

You can also use a 'Find text' option of your browser to find guides according to a keyword --- such as '2d', '3d', 'opengl', 'glut', 'glui', 'glu', 'gtk', 'qt', 'tcl', 'java', 'gis', 'molecul', 'sdl', 'ogre', 'mobile', 'android', 'wii', 'code', 'example', 'sample', 'snippet', etc.

Click on the link to a PDF guide to bring up the guide in a PDF viewer, such as 'Evince' or 'xpdf' on Linux systems --- or in a PDF-viewer plug-in of your web browser.


The '3D' category (group) of guides is so large that I have put the guides in subgroups such as

  • OpenGL (and GLUT)
  • Texture mapping
  • Shading languages
  • Open Scene Graph
  • GPU programming
  • 3D programming via scripting (Tcl-Tk, Python, Lua)
  • SGI extensions to OpenGL, such as SGI Inventor and SGI Performer --- also called 'Open Inventor' and 'Open Performer'
  • Other

The 'GUI' category (group) of guides is also large, so I have put the guides in subgroups such as

  • General GUI programming,
    such as overviews and comparisons
  • GTK, Gnome
  • Qt, KDE
  • Clutter
  • wxWidgets
  • Tcl-Tk
  • Other

The 'Games' category (group) of guides could be put in subgroups such as

  • General games programming, including comparisons/overviews
  • OGRE
  • SDL
  • Java for games
  • Specific Games
  • Other

The 'general programming' or 'basic Languages' category (group) of guides could be put in subgroups such as

  • Linux/Unix/Kernel
  • C
  • C++
  • Shell scripting
  • Python scripting
  • Perl scripting
  • PHP scripting
  • Tcl-Tk scripting
  • Other

The 'Mobile' category (group) of guides could be put in subgroups such as

  • General mobile device programming,
    including comparisons/overviews
  • Android
  • Apple iOS
  • OpenGL ES
  • Other

I may eventually add a few categories or sub-categories, such as 'Audio' and 'Image Format Specs (for GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc.)'.


In some groups, I put the smaller guides (1 to 10 pages) at the top of the group (or subgroup), and the large guides (over 200 pages) at the bottom of the group. But, in general, there is no consistent ordering of the guides in each group.

The quality of the guides varies widely. As I get a chance to peruse the guides, I will probably indicate my quality rating on a 5-star basis --- and perhaps order them accordingly. (Probably wishful thinking. Not enough years left in my lifetime.)


The size of the guides (in pages) is indicated at the end of the filename of each guide.

The age of each guide is (usually) indicated by a year-published indicator in the filename of each guide.

Some keywords in the title of the guide are generally put in the document filename.

The period in some titles has been replaced by a hyphen. So, for example, if you are looking for info on OpenGL 3.1, you can search for '3-1'. And if you are looking for info on Qt 4.x, you can search for '4-'.

Guides which include especially helpful code examples (according to me) --- especially examples that are more than mere snippets --- may be indicated with keywords such as 'code', 'examples', or 'samples' in the filename (or beside the filename).

Guides that have code snippets may have 'snippets' in the filename (or beside the filename).

    I may not get around to doing this for most of the guides. This is probably wishful thinking again.


(links to groups of document-links,
below, on this page)

  • LINKS below - to support Linux Programming

End of Table of Contents. Contents start below.

GROUP - 2D Image Processing Programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

imageProcessingInC_ 1994_ 815pgs.pdf
(covers TIFF and BMP formats ;
see the bibliography for other texts and file formats)

GROUP - 2D OpenGL :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

2Dprogramming_inOpenGL_ sourceCode_ 20xx_ 30pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dapps :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_Celestia_UserGuide_ 2008_ 48pgs.pdf

3D_IntroToGeomModellingAndMeshGen_ withGmsh_ 2008_ 71pgs.pdf

3D_geomview_manual_ ver1-9_ 2007_ 160pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dcuda :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_CUDA_programming_ 2008_ 76pgs.pdf

3D_CUDAprogrammingModelOverview_ Nvidia_ 2006_ 204pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dglui :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GLUI_Linedrawing_withOpenGLandGLUI_ Loviscach_ 2002_ 6pgs.pdf

GLUI_Voxx_volumeRendering_ withOpenGLandGLUI_ screenshot_ 2002_ 6pgs.pdf

GLUI_FacialExpressionSynthesis_ OpenGLandGLUI_ screenshot_ 2010_ 7pgs.pdf

GLUI_HexPlanet_sphereMeshDemo_OpenGLandGLUI_ screenshote_ links_ ca2006_ 10pgs.pdf

GLUI_FallingSnowSimulation_OpenGLandGLUI_ screenshot_ ca2005_ 11pgs.pdf

GLUI_HLODdisplayOfLargeModels_ DoubleEagleTankerExample_ OpenGLandGLUI_ 2001_ 11pgs.pdf

GLUI_CTDBterrain_3Dviewer_OpenGLandGLUI_ report_ upenn-edu_ ca2007_ 13pgs.pdf

GLUI_DeformationUsingBezierCurves_ studentPaper_ OpenGLandGLUI_ screenshot_ 2002_ 13pgs.pdf

GLUI_GLUI_manual_v1_Rademacher_ 1998_ 21pgs.pdf

GLUI_rockfallViz_withOpenGLandGLUI_ links_ ca2006_ 22pgs.pdf

GLUI_GLUI_GLUT-based_userInterfaceLib_ v2_ manual_ 1999_ 38pgs.pdf



GLUI_PolylinesLecture_OpenGLandGLUI_ codeSnippets_ 200x_ 35pgs.pdf

GLUI_TreeRendering_withOpenGLandGLUI_ screenshot_ 2004_ 39pgs.pdf

GLUI_HumanSkinSimulation_OpenGLandGLUI_ screenshot_ 2001_ 42pgs.pdf

GLUI_OpenGL_inclGLUI_slides_codeSnippets_ Johansson_ 20xx_ 55pgs.pdf

GLUI_auugn_articles_inclGLUIinfo_ 2002_ 62pgs.pdf

GLUI_Smokeview_userGuide_OpenGLandGLUI_ screenshots_ 2006_ 102pgs.pdf

GLUI_GLUI_PANGU_manual_ 2006_ 153pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dglut :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_GettingStartedWith_ GLUTandOpenGL_ inCprograms_ gcc_ 2008_ 4pgs.pdf

3D_Opengl-Quick-Start_ GLUTcodeSamples_ myweb-lmu-edu_ 200x_ 5pgs.pdf

3D_GLUT_tutorial_ 2005_ 6pgs.pdf

3D_Using_GLUT_ sourceCode_ 2007_ 6pgs.pdf

3D_GLUT_API_for_ OpengL_ config_ 20xx_ 10pgs.pdf

3D_MPIglut_ 2008_ 8pgs.pdf

3D_OpenGL_and_ GLUT_ programming_ tutorial_ slides_ 2008_ 18pgs.pdf

3D_IntroToOpenGLandGLUT_ sourceCode_ gcc_ 2007_ 24pgs.pdf

3D_GLUT-3_spec_ Kilgard_ 1996_ 68pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dgpu :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_GPGPU_ BasicMathTutorial_ 2005_ 17pgs.pdf

3D_GPUandGPGPUprogramming_ lecture_ 2010_ 27pgs.pdf

3D_GPGPU_beginners_ tutorial_ 2009_ 155pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dogl :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_OpenGL_Lesson2_ NeHeProductions_ 2007_ 3pgs.pdf

3D_ParallelArch4Rendering3Dmodels2MPEG4_ 2009_ 3pgs.pdf

3D_IntroToOpenGL_ 2004_ 4pgs.pdf

3D_MillisecondAccuracyDisplay_ usingOpenGLonLinux_ codeSnippets_ 2004_ 4pgs.pdf

3D_OpenSource_3D_ Animation_ 2006_ 5pgs.pdf

3D_ClassAssignment_OpenGL_ MeshViewer_ codeSnippets_ links_ 20xx_ 5pgs.pdf

3D_VisualizationOfVolumetricData_ TutorialOutline_ seeLinks_ 2003_ 5pgs.pdf

3D_OpenglCoursePart1_hello3Dworld_ linuxmag_ 2001_ 6pgs.pdf

3D_programming_withOpenGL_withSimpleCodeExample_ slides_ 2005_ 6pgs.pdf

3D_VRizer_StereoFromOpenglMonoStream_ 2004_ 6pgs.pdf

3D_opengl_workshop_ withSourceCodeExample_ 20xx_ 7pgs.pdf

3D_IntroToOpenGL_ 32slides_ 2008_ 8pgs.pdf

3D_opengl-quick-start_ compileInfo_ codeExamples_ 200x_ 8pgs.pdf

3D_PolygonRendering_ inOpenGL_ 20xx_ 8pgs.pdf

3D_helloOpenGL_programmingAssignment_ 2010sep_ 9pgs.pdf

3D_AsurveyOf3Dgraphics_ inclOpenGLandVRML_ 2004_ 10pgs.pdf

3D_a3_Lua-Cpp_3DpuppetModelling_ project_ student-cs-waterloo-ca_ 2011jan_ 10pgs.pdf

3D_BuildingA3DGUIinLinux_ 2010jan_ 12pgs.pdf

3D_InstallingOpenGL_ andRunningCode_ MS-Mac-Linux_ gcc_ 2010_ 13pgs.pdf

3D_IntroductionToOpenGL_ 2010_ 14pgs.pdf

3D_IntroductionTo_ CppAndOpenGL_ code_ gcc_ 2004_ 15pgs.pdf

3D_Opengl_Notes_ simpleSourceExample_ compileSample_ 2004_ 16pgs.pdf

3D_GLV_tutorial_ 2010_ 18pgs.pdf

3D_Programming_with_ OpenGL_ Background_ 2006_ 20pgs.pdf

3D_OpenGLprogramming_ Part1-Background_ simpleSource_ Angel_ 2005_ 22pgs.pdf

3D_ComputerGraphics_ Lesson3_ simpleSourceCode_ 2006_ 22pgs.pdf

3D_programming_ with_ OpenGL_ 2005_ 22pgs.pdf

3D_introToOpenGL_ slides_ 20xx_ 27pgs.pdf

3D_3d_programming_ with_ OpenGL_ slides_ 20xx_ 27pgs.pdf

3D_IntroToOpengl_ slides_ 20xx_ 35pgs.pdf

3D_3DLavaLampSimulation_ report_ ca2002_ 35pgs.pdf

3D_programming_in_ OpenGL_ intro_ 200x_ 37pgs.pdf

3D_IntroOpenGL_ 2008_ 49pgs.pdf

3D_TheOpenGLmachine_ 2sourcePgms_ 2005_ 53pgs.pdf

3D_GraphicsProgramming_ Chapter2_ OpenGL_ staff-fit-ac-cy_ 20xx_ 58pgs.pdf

3D_graphicsInAfileSystemBrowser_ MSthesis_ 2004_ 64pgs.pdf

3D_ComputerGraphicsUsingOpenGL_ Chap2_ mohamed_ codeSnippets_ ca2009_ 70pgs.pdf

3D_GettingStartedWithOpenGL2-1_ 20xx_ 71pgs.pdf

3D_ImplementingSurfacesInOpenGL_ mastersThesis_ 2006_ 74pgs.pdf

3D_AdvancedComputerGraphicsUsingOpenGL_ objectOrientedCpp_ SvenMaerivoet_ 2001_ 76pgs.pdf

3D_getting_started_ with_ opengl_ 2003_ 85pgs.pdf

3D_opengl_course_ 2008_ 94pgs.pdf

3D_Intro_to_OpenGL_ slides_ 20xx_ 96pgs.pdf

3D_IntroToGraphicsProgramming_ inOpengl_ 2010jan_ 105pgs.pdf

3D_InteractiveIntro_ toOpenGLprogramming_ 2004_ 111pgs.pdf

3D_interactiveIntro_ toOpenGLprogramming_ slides_ 2006_ 121pgs.pdf

3D_intro_to_OpenGL_ bySGI_ 1996_ 126pgs.pdf

3D_interactiveIntro_ toOpengl_ programming_ slides_ 2007_ 133pgs.pdf


3D_X3D_SceneGraph_ tutorial_ ca2008_ 216pgs.pdf

3D_OpenGL_ Distilled_ 2006_ 250pgs.pdf

3D_OpenGL_ spec1-5_ 2003_ 333pgs.pdf

3D_OpenGL_ 3-1spec_ 2009_ 357pgs.pdf

3D_3DComputerGraphics_ IntroWithOpenGL_ Buss_ 2003_ 389pgs.pdf

3D_NeHe_OpenGL_ Tutorials_ 2004_ 482pgs.pdf

3D_NeHe_OpenGL_Tutorials_ codeSnippets_ Mac_ 2004_ 482pgs.pdf

3D_AdvancedGraphicsProgramming_ usingOpenGL_ 2005_ 672pgs.pdf

3D_OpenGL_ windows_ Tutorial_ 2000_ 840pgs.pdf

3D_OpenGL_ Tutorial_ 20xx_ 1551pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dosg :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_OpenSG_and_ VRjuggler_ Tutorial_ 2009_ 86pgs.pdf

3D_OSGQSG_OpenSceneGraph_ QuickStart_ Guide_ 2007_ 136pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dpdf :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_PDF3D_Adobe_FAQ_ 2010dec_ 4pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dpy :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_Python_programming_in_ OpenGL-GLUT_ 2009_ 433pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dqt :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_tutorialOnCGAL_forSubdivisionAlgorithms_ usesOpengl-Qt_ 2003_ 25pgs.pdf

3D_GLozart_pianoPlayingSimulation_ OpenGLandQt_ notGLUI_ screenshots_ 2007_ 28pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dsdl :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_IntroToSDL_ 200x_ 25pgs.pdf

3D_tutorialsOn_Matlab_ OpenCV_ SDL_ 20xx_ 32pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dsgi :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_OpenInventor6_ desc_ MercurySystems_ 2007_ 4pgs.pdf

3D_OpenGL_ Performer_ GettingStartedGuide_ 2004_ 326pgs.pdf

3D_SGI_OpenGL_ Performer_ programmingGuide_ 2000_ 780pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dsl :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_GLSL-ATI-Intro_ 2008_ 28pgs.pdf

3D_Intro_to_glsl_openGL_ ShadingLanguage_ 20xx_ 33pgs.pdf

3D_Dg_shadingLanguage_ programming_ slides_ 20xx_ 41pgs.pdf

3D_OpenCL_vs_GLSL_ 2009_ 50pgs.pdf

3D_IntroToOpenGL3andGLSL_ 2010_ 65pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dtcltk :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_Doing3DWithTcl_2005may_ EuropeanTclTkUserMtg_ 19pgs.pdf

3D_Tcl3D_Doing3DwithTcl_ EuroTcl2009_ PObermeier_ 37pgs.pdf

3D_Tcl3D-Manual-0-5-0_ 2010dec_ 74pgs.pdf

3D_tkogl_Widget_ca1993_ esperanca_ 9pgs.pdf

GROUP - 3Dtex :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D_Basic_texture_mapping_ inOpenGL_ 2003_ 5pgs.pdf

3D_TextureMapping_inOpengl_ lecture_ 200x_ 112pgs.pdf

GROUP - GUIgeneral :
(comparison of various GUI systems)

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GUIgen_GUIlibraries_HelloWorld_ GTK_ Qt_ wx_ java_ 2007_ 10pgs.pdf

GUIgen_4crossPlatformGUIdevTools_ 2009_ 49pgs.pdf

GUIgen_GUIresources_ forLinuxAutomotive_ 2008_ 6pgs.pdf

GROUP - GUIclut :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >



GROUP - GUIfltk :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >




GROUP - GUIgtk :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >









GTKmm :
(object-oriented GTK programming)

GTKperl :
(GTK programming in the Perl scripting language)

'gWidgets' :

GROUP - GUIpygtk :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GUIpygtk_PyGTK_ and_ Glade_ 2003_ 11pgs.pdf

GUIpygtk_PyGTK2-0_ tutorial_ 2005_ 412pgs.pdf

GROUP - GUIpyqt :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GUIpyqt_PyQt_ programming_ 2010_ 17pgs.pdf


< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GUIqt_CrossPlatformPerformance_ ofQt4-1-2_ 2006_ 12pgs.pdf

GUIqt_UsingCpp_andQt_ inPractice_ ca2004_ 40pgs.pdf

GUIqt_CppDevelopmentUsingQt_ 2005_ 41pgs.pdf

GUIqt_Qt_Interface_4volVis_ slides_ ca2005_ 48pgs.pdf

GUIqt_Qt4-0_CppFramework_ 2005_ 65pgs.pdf

GUIqt_Qt_Basics_ 2010_ 66pgs.pdf

GUIqt_cpp-gui-programming-with-qt4_ 2008_ 734pgs.pdf

GROUP - GUItcltk :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GUItcl_C_Programming_and_Tcl_ chap44_ Welch_ 1999_ 36pgs.pdf

GUItk_guile-programmer-manual_ withTk_ galassi-orgSmarkSmydocs_ 1996_ 34pgs.pdf

Also see the Tcl-Tk programming section below.


< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GUIwx_CrossPlatform_GUIprogramming_ with_ wxWidgets_ 2005_ 744pgs.pdf

GROUP - Games Programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Games_ MacGameDevRoadmap_ 2007_ 3pgs.pdf

Games_ InfoViz_ with3DgameEngines_ 2005_ 8pgs.pdf

Games_ OgreCollada_Manual-v0.1a_ 2008_ 16pgs.pdf

Games_PLG_ chap3_ LinuxGameAPIs_ 200x_ 16pgs.pdf

Games_What_is_ SDL_ 20xx_ 18pgs.pdf

Games_ SimpleDirectmediaLayer_ SDL_ seminarTtalk_ 2006_ 25pgs.pdf

Games_ GuideToLinuxQuake_ aHOWTO_ 2010mar_ 37pgs.pdf

Games_PSP_GameDev_ withEclipse_ ca2009_ 44pgs.pdf

Games_GameProgrammingWithOGRE_ chap21_ proof_ 2008_ 51pgs.pdf

Games_Quake_ linux_ HOWTO_ 1998_ 58pgs.pdf

Games_FlightGear2-2-0_ Manual_ 2011jan_ 219pgs.pdf

Games_Pro-OGRE-3D-Programming_ Apress_ 2006_ 311pgs.pdf

Games_EvaluatingJava_ forGameDevelopment_ 6codeExamples_ 2002_ 314pgs.pdf

Games_ProgrammingLinuxGames_ LokiSoftware_ 2001_ 433pgs.pdf

GROUP - C programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

C programming - Classics :

C programming - Other :

GROUP - C-plus-plus programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

C++ programming :

GROUP - FORTRAN programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GROUP - Linux/Unix Compiled Programming :

Kernel programming :

Linux programming, in general :

GROUP - Linux/Unix Shell Scripting :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Linux/Unix shell script programming :

GROUP - Parallel programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Multi-threaded programming :

GROUP - PERL programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Perl script programming :

GROUP - PHP programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

PHP script programming :

GROUP - PYTHON programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Python script programming :

GROUP - TCL-TK programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Also see the GUI Tcl-Tk section above.

GROUP - Hardware (programmable) :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

3D Acceleration :


Freescale :

Intel :

Nvidia :


< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Java-3D :

Java-GameProgramming :

GROUP - Javascript :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

JavascriptAnthology_bookSample_ chaps1-5-7-13_ 158pgs_ 2006.pdf

GROUP - LIBRARIES for programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GROUP - Math Routines/Code for 3D programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GROUP - MathRoutines for ODE solver programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GROUP - Mobile Device Programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Mobile-Android :

Mobile-General :

Mobile-GTK :

Mobile-Meego : (and Maemo)

Mobile-OpenGL : (esp. OpenGL-ES)

Mobile-OpenGL : (emulation)

Mobile-OpenGL : (shading languages)

Mobile-Omap :

GROUP - GIS apps/programming :

GIS = Geographic Information System

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

GIS_GRASS_ opensource_ GIS_ 2004_ 10pgs.pdf

GIS_GRASS50_ tutorial_ 2005_ 156pgs.pdf

GROUP - Molecular apps/programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Mol_PyMOL_desc_ 2000_ 9pgs.pdf

Mol_TLSview_molecularViewer_ gtk_ 2005_ 8pgs.pdf

GROUP - Video Programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

CurrentStateOfLinuxVideoProductionSoftware_ andItsDeveloperCommunity_ 20xx_ 8pgs.pdf

GROUP - Phone App Programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Skype API programming :

GROUP - VR (Virtual Reality) programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

VR_ HackingYourOwnVRapps_ 2004_ 41pgs.pdf

VR_Virtual_Wiialtiy_ VRwithGameControllers_ 2008_ 7pgs.pdf

to support Linux Programming :

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

Bottom of this
Linux Programming Guides page
--- 'locally stored' documents and 'external' links.

To return to a previously visited web page location, click on the Back button of your web browser, a sufficient number of times. OR, use the History-list option of your web browser.
OR ...

< Go to start of the Guide links, above. >

< Go to start of Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Top of Page, above. >

Page history:

Page was created 2011 Jan 24.

Page was changed 2012 Mar 31.
(Lots of reformatting.)

Page was changed 2019 Mar 12.
(Added css and javascript to try to handle text-size for smartphones, esp. in portrait orientation.)

Page was changed 2021 Oct 31.
(Added HTML code to size images according to the width of the browser window. Removed one link at request of the author. Did some minor reformatting in a couple of parts of the page. Changed the links in the 'LINKS' section to open in a separate window.)